Dendorfer, Sebastian (Prof. Dr.), Zeitschriftenbeiträge – Labor Biomechanik
2025 |
Zdenek Rusavy, Hana Cechova, Sebastian Dendorfer, Vladimir Kalis, Kahled M. Ismail | Is the Finnish grip tight enough? A manometric study of two manual perineal protection techniques | Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 104(2), pp. 423-425, 2025 | BibTeX DOI |
Leon Schaeffer, David Herrmann, Thomas Schratzenstaller, Sebastian Dendorfer, Valter Böhm | Theoretical considerations on stiffness characteristics of a 3-dimensional tensegrity joint model for the use in dynamic hand orthoses | Journal of Medical Robotics Research, 2025 | BibTeX DOI |
2024 |
Mischa Mühling, Sabrina Sandriesser, Sebastian Dendorfer, Peter Augat | Assessment of implant internal stresses under physiological femoral loading: Translation to a simplified bending load model | Journal of Biomechanics, 2024 | BibTeX DOI |
Zdenek Rusavy, Hana Cechova, Sebastian Dendorfer, Vladimir Kalis, Khaled M. Ismail | Is the Finnish grip tight enough? A manometric study of two manual perineal protection techniques | Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 2024 | BibTeX DOI |
Nikolas Förstl, Ina Adler, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer | Technologies for Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Functionality: A Systematic Review | Sensors, 24(12), 2024 | BibTeX DOI |
Nikolas Förstl, Ina Adler, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer | Technologies for Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Functionality: A Systematic Review | preprint, 2024 | BibTeX DOI |
Martin Kieninger, Corinna Schneider, Simon Auer, Lukas Reinker, Ina Adler, Sebastian Dendorfer, Johanna Rosenberger, Daniel Popp, Christoph Eissnert, Dominik Ludsteck, Christopher Cyrus, Johannes Hoffmann, Sarah Morag, Bernhard Graf, Bärbel Kieninger | Transport von schwer verletzten Traumapatienten im Rettungswagen mit und ohne starre Halsorthese: vergleichende biomechanische Messungen | Die Anaesthesiologie, 73(10), pp. 668-675, 2024 | BibTeX DOI |
Simon Auer, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer | Using markerless motion capture and musculoskeletal models: An evaluation of joint kinematics | Technology and Health Care, pp. 1-10, 2024 | BibTeX DOI |
2023 |
Sarah Morag, Martin Kieninger, Christoph Eissnert, Simon Auer, Sebastian Dendorfer, Daniel Popp, Johannes Hoffmann, Bärbel Kieninger | Comparison of different techniques for prehospital cervical spine immobilization: Biomechanical measurements with a wireless motion capture system | PLOS ONE, 18(11), pp. 1-14, 2023 | BibTeX DOI |
Lukas Reinker, Dominic Bläsing, Rudolf Bierl, Sabina Ulbricht, Sebastian Dendorfer | Correlation of Acceleration Curves in Gravitational Direction for Different Body Segments during High-Impact Jumping Exercises | sensors, 23(4), 2023 | PDF BibTeX DOI |
Nikolas Förstl, Franz Süß, Carsten Englert, Sebastian Dendorfer | Design of a reverse shoulder implant to measure shoulder stiffness during implant component positioning | Medical Engineering & Physics, Vol.121, 2023 | BibTeX DOI |
Lukas Reinker, Sebastian Dendorfer | Evaluation of acceleration patterns during high-impact jumping exercises | Gait & Posture, 100(Supplement 1, March), pp. 93-94, 2023 | BibTeX DOI |
Sebastian Dendorfer, Lukas Gschoßman | Hightech in der Rehabiliation | BVOU Infobrief: Hightech in Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, pp. 9-11, 2023 |
BibTeX |
Simon Auer, Simone Kubowitsch, Sebastian Dendorfer | Kombinierter Einfluss von psychologischen und biomechanischen Faktoren auf die muskulären Belastungen beim Fußballspielen | Die Orthopädie, 52(11), pp. 1-6, 2023 | PDF BibTeX DOI |
Leon Schaeffer, David Herrmann, Thomas Schratzenstaller, Sebastian Dendorfer, Valter Böhm | Preliminary theoretical considerations on the stiffness characteristics of a tensegrity joint for the use in dynamic orthoses | Journal of Medical Robotics Research, 2023 | BibTeX DOI |
2022 |
Anne-Sophie Saffert, Maximilian Melzner, Sebastian Dendorfer | Biomechanical analysis of the right elevated glenohumeral joint in violinists during legato-playing | Technology and Health Care, 30(1), pp. 177-186, 2022 | BibTeX DOI |
Simon Auer, Jonas Schiebl, Kristoffer Iversen, Divyaksh Subhash Chander, Michael Damsgaard, Sebastian Dendorfer | Biomechanical assessment of the design and efficiency of occupational exoskeletons with the AnyBody Modeling System | Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaften, 76(4), pp. 440-449, 2022 | PDF BibTeX DOI |
Maximilian Melzner, Christian Pfeiffer, Franz Suess, Sebastian Dendorfer | Musculoskeletal simulation of elbow stability for common injury patterns | Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 41(6), pp. 1356-1364, 2022 | PDF BibTeX DOI |
2021 |
Maximilian Melzner, Lucas Engelhardt, Ulrich Simon, Sebastian Dendorfer | Electromyography-Based Validation of a Musculoskeletal Hand Model | Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 144(2), 2021 | BibTeX DOI |
Clara Scheer, Simone Kubowitsch, Sebastian Dendorfer, Petra Jansen | Happy Enough to Relax? How Positive and Negative Emotions Activate Different Muscular Regions in the Back – an Explorative Study | Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 12(May 2021), 2021 | BibTeX DOI |
Markus Weber, Franz Suess, Seth Jerabek, Matthias Meyer, Joachim Grifka, Tobias Renkawitz, Sebastian Dendorfer | Kinematic pelvic tilt during gait alters functional cup position in total hip arthroplasty | Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 40(4), pp. 846-853, 2021 | BibTeX DOI |
Maximilian Melzner, Khaled Ismail, Zdenek Rušavy, Vladimír Kališ, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer | Musculoskeletal lower back load of accoucheurs during childbirth – A pilot and feasibility study | European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, pp. 306-313, 2021 | BibTeX DOI |
Maximilian Melzner, Franz Suess, Sebastian Dendorfer | The impact of anatomical uncertainties on the predictions of a musculoskeletal hand model – a sensitivity study | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25(2), pp. 156-164, 2021 | BibTeX DOI |
2020 |
Lucas Engelhardt, Maximilian Melzner, Linda Havelkova, Pavel Fiala, Patrik Christen, Sebastian Dendorfer, Ulrich Simon | A new musculoskeletal AnyBodyTM detailed hand model | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 24(7), pp. 777-787, 2020 | BibTeX DOI |
Enrico De Pieri, Federica Atzori, Stephen J. Ferguson, Sebastian Dendorfer, Michael Leunig, Martin Aepli | Contact force path in total hip arthroplasty: effect of cup medialisation in a whole-body simulation | HIP International, 31(5), pp. 624-631, 2020 | BibTeX DOI |
Simon Auer, Simone Kubowitsch, Werner Krutsch, Tobias Renkawitz, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer | Effect of mental demand on knee forces in professional youth soccer players | ISBS Proceedings Archive, 2020 |
BibTeX |
Maximilian Aurbach, Jan Spicka, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer | Evaluation of musculoskeletal modelling parameters of the shoulder complex during humeral abduction above 90° | Journal of Biomechanics, 106(June), 2020 | BibTeX DOI |
Markus Weber, Christian Merle, Danyal H. Nawabi, Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Grifka, Tobias Renkawitz | Inaccurate offset restoration in total hip arthroplasty results in reduced range of motion | Scientific Reports, 10(13208), p. 9, 2020 | BibTeX DOI |
Simon Auer, Simone Kurbowitsch, Franz Süß, Tobias Renkawitz, Werner Krutsch, Sebastian Dendorfer | Mental stress reduces performance and changes musculoskeletal loading in football-related movements | Science and Medicine in Football, 5(4), pp. 323-329, 2020 | BibTeX DOI |
Maximilian Aurbach, Jan Špička, Franz Süß, J. Vychytil, Leonard Havelková, T. Ryba, Sebastian Dendorfer | Torus obstacle method as a wrapping approach of the deltoid muscle group for humeral abduction in musculoskeletal simulation | Journal of Biomechanics, 109(August), 2020 | BibTeX DOI |
2019 |
Florian Völlner, Tim A. Weber, Markus Weber, Tobias Renkawitz, Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Grifka, Benjamin Craiovan | A simple method for determining ligament stiffness during total knee arthroplasty in vivo | Scientific Reports, Vol.9, pp. 1-8, 2019 | BibTeX DOI |
Sebastian Dendorfer, Benedikt Feldotto, Blasius Walch, Patrick Koch, Alois Knoll | Co-Development of an Infant Prototype in Hardware and Simulation based on CT Imaging Data | IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS), 2019, Munich, 2019 |
BibTeX |
2018 |
Paul Schmitz, Christoph Cornelius Neumann, Carsten Neumann, Michael Nerlich, Sebastian Dendorfer | Biomechanical analysis of iliac crest loading following cortico-cancellous bone harvesting | Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 13(108), pp. 1-8, 2018 | BibTeX DOI |
Achim Benditz, Simon Auer, J.F. Spörrer, S. Wolkerstorfer, Joachim Grifka, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer | Regarding loads after spinal fusion, every level should be seen separately: a musculoskeletal analysis | European Spine Journal, 27(8), pp. 1905-1910, 2018 | BibTeX DOI |
2017 |
Dominik Jungtäubl, Paul Schmitz, Simon Gross, Sebastian Dendorfer | FEA of the transiliacal internal fixator as an osteosynthesis of pelvic ring fractures | CMBEBIH 2017, Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering 2017, Almir Badnjevic (Ed.)pp. 212-217, 2017 | BibTeX 978-981-10-4165-5, DOI |
Sebastian Dendorfer, Simone Kubowitsch, Franz Süß | How to determine the effect of working conditions on the human body | 11th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering DEVELOPMENT AND MODERNIZATION OF PRODUCTION (RIM 2017), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017 |
BibTeX |
2016 |
Michael Putzer, Stefan Auer, William Malpica, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer | A numerical study to determine the effect of ligament stiffness on kinematics of the lumbar spine during flexion | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 17(95), 2016 | BibTeX DOI |
I. A. Lazarev, P. V. Riabokon, M. Haller, Sebastian Dendorfer | Effect of the Displacement of Calcaneal Bone Peripheral Fragment in its Fracture on the Function of the Three-Headed Calf Muscle | TRAUMA, 16(2), pp. 20-24, 2016 | BibTeX DOI |
Tim A. Weber, Sebastian Dendorfer, Sjoerd K. Bulstra, Joachim Grifka, Gijsbertus Jacob Verkerke, Tobias Renkawitz | Gait six month and one-year after computer assisted Femur First THR vs. conventional THR. Results of a patient- and observer- blinded randomized controlled trial | Gait & Posture, Vol.vol. 49, pp. 418-425, 2016 | BibTeX DOI |
Tobias Renkawitz, Tim A. Weber, Silvia Dullien, Michael Woerner, Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Grifka, Markus Weber | Leg length and offset differences above 5 mm after total hip arthroplasty are associated with altered gait kinematics | Gait & Posture, Vol.vol. 49, pp. 196-201, 2016 | BibTeX DOI |
Thomas Hölscher, Tim A. Weber, Igor Lazarev, Carsten Englert, Sebastian Dendorfer | The influence of rotator cuff tears on glenohumeral stability during abduction tasks | Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 34(9), pp. 1628-1635, 2016 | BibTeX DOI |
Dominika Ignasiak, Sebastian Dendorfer, Stephen J. Ferguson | Thoracolumbar spine model with articulated ribcage for the prediction of dynamic spinal loading | Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 49(6), pp. 959-966, 2016 | BibTeX DOI |
Sebastian Dendorfer | Älterwerden muss auch mal wehtun! | Gesunde Hochschule, OTH Regensburg, 4.7.2016, 2016 |
BibTeX |
2015 |
Tim A. Weber, Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Grifka, Gijsbertus Jacob Verkerke, Tobias Renkawitz | Does Computer-Assisted Femur First THR Improve Musculoskeletal Loading Conditions? | BioMed Research International, Vol.2015, p. ID 625317, 2015 | BibTeX DOI |
I.A. Lazarev, P.V. Ryabokon, M. Haller, Sebastian Dendorfer | Effect of the fractured calcaneus’s peripheral fragment displacement on the triceps surae function | ЖУРНАЛ «ТРАВМА» Ukrainian Trauma Journal, Vol.2, TOM 16, 2015 |
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Tobias Renkawitz, Markus Weber, H.-R. Springorum, E. Sendtner, Michael Woerner, K. Ulm, Tim Weber, Joachim Grifka | Impingement-free range of motion, cup coverage and early clinical results between femur first navigation and conventional total hip arthroplasty: a randomised controlled trial | Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Vol.97-B, pp. 890-898, 2015 | BibTeX DOI |
Michael Putzer, Ingo Ehrlich, John Rasmussen, Norbert Gebbeken, Sebastian Dendorfer | Sensitivity of lumbar spine loading to anatomical parameters | Journal of Biomechanics, 49(6), pp. 953-958, 2015 | BibTeX DOI |
Markus Weber, Tim A. Weber, Michael Woerner, Benjamin Craiovan, Michael Worlicek, Sebastian Winkler, Joachim Grifka, Tobias Renkawitz | The impact of standard combined anteversion definitions on gait and clinical outcome within one year after total hip arthroplasty | International Orthopaedics, 39(12), pp. 2323-2333, 2015 | BibTeX DOI |
2014 |
Tim Weber, Amir Andreas Al-Munajjed, Gijsbertus Jacob Verkerke, Sebastian Dendorfer, Tobias Renkawitz | Influence of minimally invasive total hip replacement on hip reaction forces and their orientations | Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 32(12), pp. 1680-1687, 2014 | BibTeX DOI |
Sebastian Dendorfer, Tim Weber, O. Kennedy | Musculoskeletal modeling for hip replacement outcome analyses and other applications | The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 22(4), pp. 268-269, 2014 | BibTeX DOI |
Rainer Penzkofer, K. Barnsteiner, Sebastian Dendorfer | The influence of age, shoe type and kicking direction on the severity of head trauma | Journal of Forensic Biomechanics, 5(1), 2014 | BibTeX DOI |
2013 |
Johannes Zellner, Katja Hierl, Michael Mueller, Christian Pfeifer, Arne Berner, Thomas Dienstknecht, Werner Krutsch, Sebastian Geis, Sebastian Gehmert, Richard Kujat, Sebastian Dendorfer, Lukas Prantl, Michael Nerlich, Peter Angele | Stem cell-based tissue-engineering for treatment of meniscal tears in the avascular zone | Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B Applied Biomaterials, 101(7), pp. 1133-1142, 2013 | BibTeX DOI |
2012 |
Christian Pfeifer, Michael Müller, Lukas Prantl, Arne Berner, Sebastian Dendorfer, Carsten Englert | Cartilage labelling for mechanical testing in T-peel configuration | International Orthopaedics, 36(7), pp. 1493-1499, 2012 | BibTeX DOI |
Andreas Lenich, S. Bachmeier, Sebastian Dendorfer, E. Mayr, Michael Nerlich, Bernd Füchtmeier | Development of a test system to analyze different hip fracture osteosyntheses under simulated walking | Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering, 57(2), pp. 113-119, 2012 | BibTeX DOI |
Tim A. Weber, Sebastian Dendorfer, Silvia Dullien, Joachim Grifka, Gijsbertus Jacob Verkerke, Tobias Renkawitz | Measuring functional outcome after total hip replacement with subject-specific hip joint loading | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine, pp. 939-946, 2012 | BibTeX DOI |
Tobias Renkawitz, Sebastian Dendorfer | Orthopedic navigation technology and biomechanical evaluation for total hip replacement | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine, 226(12), pp. 897-898, 2012 | BibTeX DOI |
2011 |
Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Hammer, Andreas Lenich | Characterisation and testing of biomaterials | Technology and Health Care, 19(5), pp. 357-371, 2011 | BibTeX DOI |
J.C. Roldán, A. Moralis, Sebastian Dendorfer, J. Witte, C. Reicheneder | Controlled central advancement of the midface after Le Fort III osteotomy by a 3-point skeletal anchorage | The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 22(6), pp. 2384-2386, 2011 | BibTeX DOI |
Christian Wong, John Rasmussen, Erik B. Simonsen, Lone Hansen, Mark de Zee, Sebastian Dendorfer | The Influence of Muscle Forces on the Stress Distribution in the Lumbar Spine | The Open Spine Journal, 3(1), pp. 21-26, 2011 | BibTeX DOI |
2010 |
Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Hammer, Andreas Lenich | Characterisation and testing of biomaterials | Basic Engineering for Medics and Biologists: An ESEM Primer, T. Clive Lee, Peter F. Niederer (Eds.)Non Basic Stock Line, 2010 | BibTeX 978-1607505266, |
2009 |
Sebastian Dendorfer, Hans Jürgen Maier, Josef Hammer | Fatigue damage in cancellous bone: an experimental approach from continuum to micro scale | Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2(1), pp. 113-119, 2009 | BibTeX DOI |
2008 |
Sebastian Dendorfer, Hans Jürgen Maier, David Taylor, Joachim Hammer | Anisotropy of the fatigue behaviour of cancellous bone | Journal of Biomechanics, 41(3), pp. 636-641, 2008 | BibTeX DOI |
Sebastian Dendorfer, Hans Jürgen Maier, Josef Hammer | How do age and anisotropy affect the fatigue behaviour of cancellous bone? | Medicine Meets Engineering, IOS Press, pp. 68-74, 2008 |
BibTeX |
Medicine Meets Engineering: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Applied Biomechanics Regensburg | Joachim Hammer, Michael Nerlich, Sebastian Dendorfer (Eds.)IOS Press, US, 1. Aufl., 2008 | BibTeX 978-1586038281, |
2007 |
Carsten Englert, Peter Angele, J. Fierlbeck, Sebastian Dendorfer, T. Schubert, R. Müller, S. Lienhard, J. Zellner, Michael Nerlich, Carsten Neumann | Conductive bone substitute material with variable antibiotic delivery | Der Unfallchirurg, 110(5), pp. 408-413, 2007 | BibTeX DOI |
M. Hoenicka, Karla Lehle, V. R. Jacobs, Sebastian Dendorfer, A. Kostorz, F. X. Schmid, D. E. Birnbaum | Mechanical and seeding properties of human umbilical vein – a potential scaffold for a tissue-engineered vessel graft | The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, 55(S 1), p. P_37, 2007 | BibTeX DOI |