Publications Prof. Dr. Dendorfer

Dendorfer, Sebastian (Prof. Dr.), Zeitschriftenbeiträge – Labor Biomechanik

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007


Zdenek Rusavy, Hana Cechova, Sebastian Dendorfer, Vladimir Kalis, Kahled M. Ismail Is the Finnish grip tight enough? A manometric study of two manual perineal protection techniques
Leon Schaeffer, David Herrmann, Thomas Schratzenstaller, Sebastian Dendorfer, Valter Böhm Theoretical considerations on stiffness characteristics of a 3-dimensional tensegrity joint model for the use in dynamic hand orthoses


Mischa Mühling, Sabrina Sandriesser, Sebastian Dendorfer, Peter Augat Assessment of implant internal stresses under physiological femoral loading: Translation to a simplified bending load model
Zdenek Rusavy, Hana Cechova, Sebastian Dendorfer, Vladimir Kalis, Khaled M. Ismail Is the Finnish grip tight enough? A manometric study of two manual perineal protection techniques
Nikolas Förstl, Ina Adler, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer Technologies for Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Functionality: A Systematic Review
Nikolas Förstl, Ina Adler, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer Technologies for Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Functionality: A Systematic Review
Martin Kieninger, Corinna Schneider, Simon Auer, Lukas Reinker, Ina Adler, Sebastian Dendorfer, Johanna Rosenberger, Daniel Popp, Christoph Eissnert, Dominik Ludsteck, Christopher Cyrus, Johannes Hoffmann, Sarah Morag, Bernhard Graf, Bärbel Kieninger Transport von schwer verletzten Traumapatienten im Rettungswagen mit und ohne starre Halsorthese: vergleichende biomechanische Messungen
Simon Auer, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer Using markerless motion capture and musculoskeletal models: An evaluation of joint kinematics


Sarah Morag, Martin Kieninger, Christoph Eissnert, Simon Auer, Sebastian Dendorfer, Daniel Popp, Johannes Hoffmann, Bärbel Kieninger Comparison of different techniques for prehospital cervical spine immobilization: Biomechanical measurements with a wireless motion capture system
Lukas Reinker, Dominic Bläsing, Rudolf Bierl, Sabina Ulbricht, Sebastian Dendorfer Correlation of Acceleration Curves in Gravitational Direction for Different Body Segments during High-Impact Jumping Exercises
Nikolas Förstl, Franz Süß, Carsten Englert, Sebastian Dendorfer Design of a reverse shoulder implant to measure shoulder stiffness during implant component positioning
Lukas Reinker, Sebastian Dendorfer Evaluation of acceleration patterns during high-impact jumping exercises
Sebastian Dendorfer, Lukas Gschoßman Hightech in der Rehabiliation
Simon Auer, Simone Kubowitsch, Sebastian Dendorfer Kombinierter Einfluss von psychologischen und biomechanischen Faktoren auf die muskulären Belastungen beim Fußballspielen
Leon Schaeffer, David Herrmann, Thomas Schratzenstaller, Sebastian Dendorfer, Valter Böhm Preliminary theoretical considerations on the stiffness characteristics of a tensegrity joint for the use in dynamic orthoses


Anne-Sophie Saffert, Maximilian Melzner, Sebastian Dendorfer Biomechanical analysis of the right elevated glenohumeral joint in violinists during legato-playing
Simon Auer, Jonas Schiebl, Kristoffer Iversen, Divyaksh Subhash Chander, Michael Damsgaard, Sebastian Dendorfer Biomechanical assessment of the design and efficiency of occupational exoskeletons with the AnyBody Modeling System
Maximilian Melzner, Christian Pfeiffer, Franz Suess, Sebastian Dendorfer Musculoskeletal simulation of elbow stability for common injury patterns


Maximilian Melzner, Lucas Engelhardt, Ulrich Simon, Sebastian Dendorfer Electromyography-Based Validation of a Musculoskeletal Hand Model
Clara Scheer, Simone Kubowitsch, Sebastian Dendorfer, Petra Jansen Happy Enough to Relax? How Positive and Negative Emotions Activate Different Muscular Regions in the Back – an Explorative Study
Markus Weber, Franz Suess, Seth Jerabek, Matthias Meyer, Joachim Grifka, Tobias Renkawitz, Sebastian Dendorfer Kinematic pelvic tilt during gait alters functional cup position in total hip arthroplasty
Maximilian Melzner, Khaled Ismail, Zdenek Rušavy, Vladimír Kališ, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer Musculoskeletal lower back load of accoucheurs during childbirth – A pilot and feasibility study
Maximilian Melzner, Franz Suess, Sebastian Dendorfer The impact of anatomical uncertainties on the predictions of a musculoskeletal hand model – a sensitivity study


Lucas Engelhardt, Maximilian Melzner, Linda Havelkova, Pavel Fiala, Patrik Christen, Sebastian Dendorfer, Ulrich Simon A new musculoskeletal AnyBodyTM detailed hand model
Enrico De Pieri, Federica Atzori, Stephen J. Ferguson, Sebastian Dendorfer, Michael Leunig, Martin Aepli Contact force path in total hip arthroplasty: effect of cup medialisation in a whole-body simulation
Simon Auer, Simone Kubowitsch, Werner Krutsch, Tobias Renkawitz, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer Effect of mental demand on knee forces in professional youth soccer players
Maximilian Aurbach, Jan Spicka, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer Evaluation of musculoskeletal modelling parameters of the shoulder complex during humeral abduction above 90°
Markus Weber, Christian Merle, Danyal H. Nawabi, Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Grifka, Tobias Renkawitz Inaccurate offset restoration in total hip arthroplasty results in reduced range of motion
Simon Auer, Simone Kurbowitsch, Franz Süß, Tobias Renkawitz, Werner Krutsch, Sebastian Dendorfer Mental stress reduces performance and changes musculoskeletal loading in football-related movements
Maximilian Aurbach, Jan Špička, Franz Süß, J. Vychytil, Leonard Havelková, T. Ryba, Sebastian Dendorfer Torus obstacle method as a wrapping approach of the deltoid muscle group for humeral abduction in musculoskeletal simulation


Florian Völlner, Tim A. Weber, Markus Weber, Tobias Renkawitz, Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Grifka, Benjamin Craiovan A simple method for determining ligament stiffness during total knee arthroplasty in vivo
Sebastian Dendorfer, Benedikt Feldotto, Blasius Walch, Patrick Koch, Alois Knoll Co-Development of an Infant Prototype in Hardware and Simulation based on CT Imaging Data


Paul Schmitz, Christoph Cornelius Neumann, Carsten Neumann, Michael Nerlich, Sebastian Dendorfer Biomechanical analysis of iliac crest loading following cortico-cancellous bone harvesting
Achim Benditz, Simon Auer, J.F. Spörrer, S. Wolkerstorfer, Joachim Grifka, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer Regarding loads after spinal fusion, every level should be seen separately: a musculoskeletal analysis


Dominik Jungtäubl, Paul Schmitz, Simon Gross, Sebastian Dendorfer FEA of the transiliacal internal fixator as an osteosynthesis of pelvic ring fractures
Sebastian Dendorfer, Simone Kubowitsch, Franz Süß How to determine the effect of working conditions on the human body


Michael Putzer, Stefan Auer, William Malpica, Franz Süß, Sebastian Dendorfer A numerical study to determine the effect of ligament stiffness on kinematics of the lumbar spine during flexion
I. A. Lazarev, P. V. Riabokon, M. Haller, Sebastian Dendorfer Effect of the Displacement of Calcaneal Bone Peripheral Fragment in its Fracture on the Function of the Three-Headed Calf Muscle
Tim A. Weber, Sebastian Dendorfer, Sjoerd K. Bulstra, Joachim Grifka, Gijsbertus Jacob Verkerke, Tobias Renkawitz Gait six month and one-year after computer assisted Femur First THR vs. conventional THR. Results of a patient- and observer- blinded randomized controlled trial
Tobias Renkawitz, Tim A. Weber, Silvia Dullien, Michael Woerner, Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Grifka, Markus Weber Leg length and offset differences above 5 mm after total hip arthroplasty are associated with altered gait kinematics
Thomas Hölscher, Tim A. Weber, Igor Lazarev, Carsten Englert, Sebastian Dendorfer The influence of rotator cuff tears on glenohumeral stability during abduction tasks
Dominika Ignasiak, Sebastian Dendorfer, Stephen J. Ferguson Thoracolumbar spine model with articulated ribcage for the prediction of dynamic spinal loading
Sebastian Dendorfer Älterwerden muss auch mal wehtun!


Tim A. Weber, Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Grifka, Gijsbertus Jacob Verkerke, Tobias Renkawitz Does Computer-Assisted Femur First THR Improve Musculoskeletal Loading Conditions?
I.A. Lazarev, P.V. Ryabokon, M. Haller, Sebastian Dendorfer Effect of the fractured calcaneus’s peripheral fragment displacement on the triceps surae function
Tobias Renkawitz, Markus Weber, H.-R. Springorum, E. Sendtner, Michael Woerner, K. Ulm, Tim Weber, Joachim Grifka Impingement-free range of motion, cup coverage and early clinical results between femur first navigation and conventional total hip arthroplasty: a randomised controlled trial
Michael Putzer, Ingo Ehrlich, John Rasmussen, Norbert Gebbeken, Sebastian Dendorfer Sensitivity of lumbar spine loading to anatomical parameters
Markus Weber, Tim A. Weber, Michael Woerner, Benjamin Craiovan, Michael Worlicek, Sebastian Winkler, Joachim Grifka, Tobias Renkawitz The impact of standard combined anteversion definitions on gait and clinical outcome within one year after total hip arthroplasty


Tim Weber, Amir Andreas Al-Munajjed, Gijsbertus Jacob Verkerke, Sebastian Dendorfer, Tobias Renkawitz Influence of minimally invasive total hip replacement on hip reaction forces and their orientations
Sebastian Dendorfer, Tim Weber, O. Kennedy Musculoskeletal modeling for hip replacement outcome analyses and other applications
Rainer Penzkofer, K. Barnsteiner, Sebastian Dendorfer The influence of age, shoe type and kicking direction on the severity of head trauma


Johannes Zellner, Katja Hierl, Michael Mueller, Christian Pfeifer, Arne Berner, Thomas Dienstknecht, Werner Krutsch, Sebastian Geis, Sebastian Gehmert, Richard Kujat, Sebastian Dendorfer, Lukas Prantl, Michael Nerlich, Peter Angele Stem cell-based tissue-engineering for treatment of meniscal tears in the avascular zone


Christian Pfeifer, Michael Müller, Lukas Prantl, Arne Berner, Sebastian Dendorfer, Carsten Englert Cartilage labelling for mechanical testing in T-peel configuration
Andreas Lenich, S. Bachmeier, Sebastian Dendorfer, E. Mayr, Michael Nerlich, Bernd Füchtmeier Development of a test system to analyze different hip fracture osteosyntheses under simulated walking
Tim A. Weber, Sebastian Dendorfer, Silvia Dullien, Joachim Grifka, Gijsbertus Jacob Verkerke, Tobias Renkawitz Measuring functional outcome after total hip replacement with subject-specific hip joint loading
Tobias Renkawitz, Sebastian Dendorfer Orthopedic navigation technology and biomechanical evaluation for total hip replacement


Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Hammer, Andreas Lenich Characterisation and testing of biomaterials
J.C. Roldán, A. Moralis, Sebastian Dendorfer, J. Witte, C. Reicheneder Controlled central advancement of the midface after Le Fort III osteotomy by a 3-point skeletal anchorage
Christian Wong, John Rasmussen, Erik B. Simonsen, Lone Hansen, Mark de Zee, Sebastian Dendorfer The Influence of Muscle Forces on the Stress Distribution in the Lumbar Spine


Sebastian Dendorfer, Joachim Hammer, Andreas Lenich Characterisation and testing of biomaterials


Sebastian Dendorfer, Hans Jürgen Maier, Josef Hammer Fatigue damage in cancellous bone: an experimental approach from continuum to micro scale


Sebastian Dendorfer, Hans Jürgen Maier, David Taylor, Joachim Hammer Anisotropy of the fatigue behaviour of cancellous bone
Sebastian Dendorfer, Hans Jürgen Maier, Josef Hammer How do age and anisotropy affect the fatigue behaviour of cancellous bone?
Medicine Meets Engineering: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Applied Biomechanics Regensburg


Carsten Englert, Peter Angele, J. Fierlbeck, Sebastian Dendorfer, T. Schubert, R. Müller, S. Lienhard, J. Zellner, Michael Nerlich, Carsten Neumann Conductive bone substitute material with variable antibiotic delivery
M. Hoenicka, Karla Lehle, V. R. Jacobs, Sebastian Dendorfer, A. Kostorz, F. X. Schmid, D. E. Birnbaum Mechanical and seeding properties of human umbilical vein – a potential scaffold for a tissue-engineered vessel graft